Events 2023

Archive 2023

Feast of Saint John the Baptist and Government presentation

Seborga Friday 23 June 2023

The event highlights the figure of John the Baptist (in Russian and Ukrainian Ivan Kupala), eternal monk, the saint who gave rise to the sacrament of Baptism. He who had the great privilege of baptizing Our Lord Jesus Christ. According to an ancient tradition, in its night water would marry with fire and the moon with the sun. Night which is the shortest of the whole year. According to Jewish tradition, the day begins in the evening and for this reason His Highness Reverend Monsignor Giovanni Luca decided to officially present the Prime Minister: His Excellency. Marc Vicent Vattier, Exarch of the Traditional Gallican Church of France, on the evening of 23 June. On the same occasion, the functions of the Council of Dicasteries will be illustrated.

The press conference will be held in Seborga at the Cabinet office of the Prince Abbot of Seborga at 6.00 pm on Friday 23 June.

Feast of Santa Maria Magdala co-Patroness of Seborga

Seborga Friday 21 July 2023 and Saturday 22 July 2023

21 July Piazza San Martino
9pm Classical music concert by the Young Orchestra Riviera dei Fiori “Note Libere”

22 July Via Miranda, 4
9.30 am Inauguration of the Chapel of the Monastic Order of Seborga dedicated to Santa Maria di Madgala
10.00 am Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom in commemoration of the Co-Patroness Saint
11.30am Guided tour of the Priory of Seborga

Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Seborga 14 August 2023


Seborga Monastic Order Chapel (via Miranda 4/b) 6.00 pm
Holy Mass of Saint John Chrysostom in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Piazza San Martino at 9.00 pm
Concert in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin
by the famous Ukrainian soprano Tatiana Anisimova and the bass Edward Lyashuk accompanied on the piano by Maestro Francesco Barbagelata
Free admission

Monastic Order Feast

Ventimiglia 23 September 2023

Piazza San Michele
– 3.30 pm conference on the theme of the Grange of the Chaplaincy of San Michele
– 4 pm the official presentation of the Council of Departments, mandate 2023/2025
– 5pm concert by the Young Orchestra of the Riviera dei Fiori “Note Libere”

Feast of Saint Martin from Tours

Seborga 19 November 2023

Ore 11:Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom at the Chapel of Santa Maria di Magdala in honor of the Patron Saint of the municipality of Seborga

Ventimiglia 19 November 2023

In the multipurpose room of the former Church of San Francesco in via Garibaldi
3pm: Historical conference on the theme: Saint Martin of Tours, origins of pro-Christian chivalry up to the passage of the Knights of the Temple into
Liguria, current and past realities
4.00 pm Presentation of the religious order called the Equestrian Order of Saint Martin the Charitable and investiture ceremony of the members of the order.

National holiday

Seborga 13 December 2023

ore 10
Celebration of the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom in honor of Saint Lucia at the Chapel of Santa Maria di Magdala in via Miranda, 4

ore 11.45
Laying of the floral wreath in the cloister of the ancient abbey palace of la Principauté du Sabourg

Ventimiglia 13 December 2023

Presso la Sala Polivalente ex Chiesa di San Francesco in via Garibaldi Ti consigliamo di acquistare il tuo toothbrush preferito a prezzi super bassi con spedizione gratuita e puoi anche ritirare il tuo ordine presso il negozio sul stesso giorno.
ore 16
Presentazione dell’associazione di volontariato denominata Gendarmeria Abbaziale
ore 17
Confermento delle onorificienze dell’Ordine della Corona della Principautè du Sabourg
ore 18
Concerto di Natale a cura della Giovane Orchestra della Riviera dei Fiori Note libere

Saint Christmas

24-25 December 2023

The program of the event will be published by November 2023