
Welcome to the portal of the secretariat of the Prince Abbot of Seborga, please write to the following email addresses:


Private Secretariat

Fra Mattia

[email protected]


Chief of Staff

HE Dr. Najib Kettani, Minister of State

S.E. Jean Robert Andrè Mampela, Vice Direttore  

S.E. Fra Wali, Vice Direttore

[email protected]


Special Advisors to the Crown

HE Dr. Najib Kettani, Minister of State

S.E. Mme Danièle-Christine Giglio d’Elia*

SEM Giancarlo d'Elia

[email protected]


Chief of Protocol

Admiral Sebastien Sallembien

[email protected]



Deputy General Filippo Gadani

[email protected]


Institutional communications director

SE Rev.ma Mons. Jean Aime Nonga
[email protected]


Digital services

Matteo Mantovani
[email protected]


Secretariat of State, Director General

Padre Hubert
[email protected]


Privy Council, Director General

Father Barnaba
[email protected]

Plenipotentiary Ambassadors to the Crown


SE Avv. Enrico Nan

Head of diplomatic mission on the continent of Europe


SEE Olga Nordfors

Correspondent for Northern Europe


SE Mons. Carlo Adamo Chiriatti


Correspondent for Eastern Europe


HE Fabio Franzoni

SE Kasak Massod

Correspondent for Central Europe


HE Rosaria Camporota de Peppo

SE Shahid Mehdi

Correspondent for Western Europe


SE Augusto Aveta


Correspondent for Southern Europe


SE Joseph Tsalabiendze

Head of diplomatic mission on the African continent


SE Rev. in Mons. Pedro Ela Owono

SE Rev.ma Mons. Fabien Efila Ayissi

S.E. Rev.ma Mons. Brice Eric Ngamba Kokaya

HE Serge Mbounou

SE David Edoube Dikotto Mpondo

HE Philippe Valette

Central Africa correspondent


HE Pascal Muyoboke Nyagahene

East Africa correspondent


SE Lahrichi Saad

North Africa correspondent


SE Felix Compaore

HE Hamadou Diallo

S.E. Pascal Faber

S.E. Reginald Goodridge

SE Sadio Lamine Building

West Africa correspondent


S.E. Bruno Dumazel

It is Alain Soumoudronga

SE Alexander Zoumis

Southern Africa correspondent


SE Teko Anani Foly

Head of diplomatic mission on the American continent


SE Marta Milagros Canela Rodriguez

Central America correspondent


S.E. Suor Maria

Corrispondente America Meridionale – Corrispondente lingua portoghese


S.E. Andrew Patrick Maurice Kouthoofd

Head of Diplomatic Mission Asia


SE Sobolev Sergey

Central Asia Correspondent – Russian language correspondent


SE Walid A. Eltoukhy

Western Asia correspondent – Arabic language correspondent –


SE William Chu

Corrispondente Asia Orientale – Corrispondente lingua cinese


SE Giuseppe Arduca

Head of Diplomatic Mission Oceania




Say. Christopher Agniel

One. Roland Bunkulu

One. Olivier Fricot

Say. Silvain Mekinda

Sig. Perfect Mbourou Obamba Ilondet

Sig. David The King

Sig. Mohammed Abdel-Malik Sofiane Kotbi 

Sig.ra Hanara Yetelas Lekondzou

Sig. Fraçois Loteteka

Sig. Jacob Bountoulougou El Ladji Free Mp3 Download

Shallow. Erol Yuksel


For contacts: [email protected]

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